全球变暖Global Warming

admin2021-02-14285全球变暖environmentpollutionprotection保护污染环境environmental pollutglobal warminghuman activity人类活动环境污染

今天高中生英语作文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是: 全球变暖Global Warming ,其中部分英语作文万能用语对您写作英文作文应该有帮助。

Recently, global warming has become a hot topic among people. It results from serious air pollution. As the environmental pollution is more and more strict, the temperature of all the world has dramatic increased. Gradually, some disaster such as drought, floodandGlaciers Melting follow. How terrible it is! Therefore, we need to protect our earth and fight against the disaster together.We should start from the trivial side. Making contribution to protecting our home.


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