好心有好报 Good Heart Brings Happy Ending

admin2021-02-14764Good Heart Brings Ha冷漠善待他人善恶终有报善良好心有好报流浪汉给予帮助good behavior家教

今天高中生英语作文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:好心有好报 Good Heart Brings Happy Ending,其中部分英语作文万能用语对您写作英文作文应该有帮助。

Though we have been educated to be nice to others, or offer our help when someone is in need. But during recent years, so many bad guys make use of the public's kind hearts and then people start to become cold. But still we can see the inspiring news and feel the world is nice. A girl from America was stuck in the wild land at midnight, because her car was ran out of oil. When she got out of the car and checked the oil, a tramp walked passed. He asked the girl to stay in the car, then he showed up again with a bottle of oil. When the girl wanted to pay him, she found she had no money at hand. The tramp knew her problem and just let the girl go home safely. The girl was so thankful that she took the food and clothes to the tramp now and then, even raised money to help the man back to life again. Good heart brings happy ending most of the time.


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