拿走孩子的压岁钱恰当么?Is it Appropriate to Take Away kid’s New Year Money

admin2021-02-15471legal个人财产亲戚价值观压岁钱学费开支春节消费者理性红包计划lucky money代沟理财

今天大学生英语作文范文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:拿走孩子的压岁钱恰当么?Is it Appropriate to Take Away kid’s New Year Money,希望对大家写作英语作文有帮助。

Recently, a question asked by a college girl has become a hot topic under discussion. “Is it legal that my parents take away my New Year money”? As we all know, it is the Chinese traditional that children get money from their parents and relatives or parents’ friends during Spring Festival. And it seems normal that parents will take all or lots of money after kids receiving a red packet. Some people think it is inappropriate, while others hold the opposite views. For me, I agree with the later one.


Firstly, I think it is better that parents keep the money for kids. Since lots of kids are too young to have a good consumption plan. They might buy many toys or other stuff they want for a long time as soon as they have bunch of money. It’s bad for kids to establish a correct value. I think it is acceptable that parents take all the New Year money from young kids. And when they grow older, parents can take a part of it, and teach the kid how to become a rational consumer.


Secondly, I don’t see an eye to eye when the college girl said her parents take away her money is illegal. She thinks the money is given from others, and it belongs to her. Her parents’ behavior is depriving her private property. However, the Chinese Spring Festival traditional is when someone give red packet to your child, you have to give almost the same denomination to their kid, and since the college girl is no income student, therefore, when her mother said take away the money to pay her high college tuition fees is totally appropriate.


To sum up, it is better that parents save New Year money for kids. It is not only could save household spending, but also could stop kids from dipping into their purse.


以上关于拿走孩子的压岁钱恰当么?Is的英语作文it Appropriate to Take Away kid’s New Year Money英语范文由小编收集自网络,不知道有没有帮助到您写作拿走孩子的压岁钱恰当么?Is it Appropriate to Take Away kid’s New Year Money。


