如何定义一个人 How to Define a Person

admin2021-02-15635How to Define a Pers内心世界天生如何定义一个人白人肤色观念超级英雄黄种人外表重要吗种族歧视

今天大学生英语作文范文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:如何定义一个人 How to Define a Person,希望对大家写作英语作文有帮助。

In Hollywood movies, the superheroes are always the white men. They are the great heroes to save people and the world. The young people have been affected by these movies deeply. In their consciousness, white men are noble while the yellow and black men lag behind them. This is the wrong way to define a person.


We should not define a person by color. In the Oscar movies, the Movie of the Year always belongs to the one with correct attitude towards the policy. The black people have fought for their rights for a very long time and they have won the respect. The young people try hard to change the old way that people define others, so they are willing to communicate and get to know the inside of other person.


Some people are born with different colors, which is not fair to define them by their skin. The beautiful soul and the way they treat others are the main factors to measure a person. Don’t let the old way of thinking hinders you to know the world.


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