传媒的作用 The Function of Mass Media

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今天大学生英语作文范文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:传媒的作用 The Function of Mass Media,希望对大家写作英语作文有帮助。

Mass media are very important tools of communication,through which information is passed to even the farthest end of the world. They enable us to communicate with each other by helping us to overcome the barriers of time and apace.


Mass media function in various ways. Below are listed the most commonly seen.


First, mass media keep us well informed of the happenings of the world which would otherwise remain unknown.


Second, mass media persuade us mostly through advertisements. As we can see, newspapers, magazines and TV are filled with all kinds of colourful, persuasive advertisements which tempt us to buy their products.


Third, mass media give us entertainment. Television and radio broadcasting provide us with a big variety of programmes every day. Films, books, magazines, etc. give us daily amusement.


In a word, mass media will be all the more important in the future and their function will enormously expand.Limited by apace, only a few examples are mentioned here.


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