如何做判断 How to Make Judgment

admin2021-02-14364How to Make Judgment中国从外表判断一个人参观大众媒体如何做判断对待事物的方式影响判断的因素有趣依据外表做判断选择

今天初中学生英语作文范文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:如何做判断 How to Make Judgment,希望对初中学生写作英语作文有帮助。

People always say that we should not judge a person from his appearance. In today's society, the mass media is like the appearance, what they report will decide the way that people treat things. For most foreigners, before they come to China, they don't know about this country. What they learn is from the mass media, the worse thing is that the media always report the negative sides. So when they come to China and realize things are much funny here. Before we make judgment, we need to search the overall information, or it is better for us to pay a visit. The way we treat things decides what kind of person we are. 


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