如何利用我的时间 How to Spend My Time

admin2021-02-14536How to Spend My Time劳逸结合如何利用我的时间如何利用空闲时间学习与娱乐之间的平衡打篮球电影音乐中学生活学习方法

今天初中学生英语作文范文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:如何利用我的时间 How to Spend My Time,希望对初中学生写作英语作文有帮助。

As a middle school student, I have to learn many subjects. I want to keep up with other students, so I study very hard. Sometimes when the holiday comes, I still focus on my study. My friends ask me to have fun with them, and I refuse. Then I realize I am under great pressure all the time, even I can't sleep well. I start to change my schedule. Except for study, I spare some time to relax, such as play basketball with my friends or I will just leave myself doing nothing but enjoying music and movie. Study and play are both important part of my life. I connect them closely and live the happy life.


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