美国学生的午餐 American Students‘ Lunch


今天初中学生英语作文范文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:美国学生的午餐 American Students‘ Lunch,希望对初中学生写作英语作文有帮助。

Today, when I read the newspaper, I saw an interesting news, it is said that the first lady in American Michelle Obama, was so worried about American people’s health, she thought it was the unhealthy diet that made the people have healthy issue, so she tried hard to improve the healthy diet. Now the students’ lunch meal has changed, students show their food to the media and say thank you to Michelle. But the fact is that they are unsatisfied with the policy, the food they show looks terrible and hard to eat. Chinese students play the joke that they said even the prisoners’ food is better than American students’ lunch.


以上关于美国学生的午餐的英语作文American Students‘ Lunch英语范文由小编收集自网络,不知道有没有帮助到您写作美国学生的午餐 American Students‘ Lunch。


