偶像的力量 The Power of Idol

admin2021-02-14293The Power of Idol伟人学习歌手演员进步偶像的力量我的偶像

今天初中学生英语作文范文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:偶像的力量 The Power of Idol,希望对初中学生写作英语作文有帮助。

Almost everyone has an idol in their hearts. Some adore the great men in the history, some admire the athletes, but most teenagers’ idol trends to be the singers and actors. Many young people are so crazy about their idols and sometimes they do some unwise acts. A wise fan can figure out what should he do to follow his idol. In order to know his idol better, he will watch the films and songs that are related to his hero. Even to make a video, he will learn the computer technology. During the process of chasing idol, a fan gets improved for their ability. The power of idol can make a person better. 


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