在大人们面前表演 Perform In Front of The Adult

admin2021-02-14357AdultperformPerform In Front of一旁压轴反串在大人们面前表演大人女儿妈妈小孩子小朋友排练旁边演出编排背后表演跟前身后

今天初中学生英语作文范文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:在大人们面前表演 Perform In Front of The Adult,希望对初中学生写作英语作文有帮助。

Most children have experienced such strange situation. When their parents meet some friends, they will be asked to show their talents in front of these adults. For girls, they will be asked to dance, while boys will need to play guitar or something else. The parents will be very proud if the kids perform well, but what they do is hurting the children’s feeling. It is the most awkward thing for children. They will feel like being a doll to make performance. Parents should stop seeking pride by such way. Giving some respect to children and parents will receive equal respect from children. The friend to friend relationship can be built. 


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