红包 Lucky Money

admin2021-02-13561Lucky MoneyNew Year亲戚如何使用红包存钱新年春节父母红包红包钱长大后

今天小学生英语作文范文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:红包 Lucky Money,希望对小朋友写作英语作文有帮助。

When the New Year is coming, I am really happy because I can get a lot of lucky money from my parents and relative. My mother will save the money for me. She tells me that she will return it to me when I grow up. I also keep part of the money to buy the things I like. The lucky money makes me have a happy New Year.


以上关于红包的英语作文Lucky Money英语范文由小编收集自网络,不知道有没有帮助到您写作红包 Lucky Money。


