打屁股 Hit the Buttock

admin2021-02-13491Hit the Buttock中国传统打屁股教育方式新时代暴力教育教育的重要性童年记忆

今天小学生英语作文范文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:打屁股 Hit the Buttock,希望对小朋友写作英语作文有帮助。

In Chinese tradition, parents have the right to teach their children a lesson by hitting the buttock, because the elders raise the children, so it is acceptable to use violence. While in the modern world, the new parents refuse to solve problem by hitting the kids' buttocks. They want to educate them by showing the facts. My parents find a good way to educate me. They won't use violence. 


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