别那么苛刻 Don't Be So Mean

admin2021-02-14176Don't Be So Me人人有责偶像别那么苛刻攻击法律监督网络暴力Internet和谐环境

今天初中学生英语作文范文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:别那么苛刻 Don't Be So Mean,希望对初中学生写作英语作文有帮助。

Nowadays, Internet has been the main way for people to get to know about the world. Many fans follow their idols' information by the social software. Internet facilitate people's life, but the problem comes. Internet violence is the main problem. As there is no law to limit people's behavior, many people are very mean. They give their bad comment on the things and people they don't like. Language violence can be seen everywhere, even the person is doing nothing wrong. Anyone can be attacked by others without the proper reason. We should not be so mean to others, even there is no law to supervise. Creating a harmonious environment needs everybody's contribution. 


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