健康与财富 Health and Wealth

admin2021-02-14318Health and Wealth事业享受生活健全的身体健康与财富承受极限职业生涯财富酒桌文化酗酒健康的重要性养生

今天高中生英语作文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:健康与财富 Health and Wealth,其中部分英语作文万能用语对您写作英文作文应该有帮助。

When the young people start their career, they will do everything to get the chance to help their career to make breakthrough, such as follow the business rules. They choose to drink as much as possible, which is over the limitation of their bodies. The coming wealth is based on the loss of health. The media reported the news about how the young people died of drinking a lot of alcohol. Their ambition made them to undertake the limitation. As a result, they died at the young age. There is no doubt that health overweighs wealth. If a rich people didn't have a sound body, how he can enjoy life. A man who has been badly ill will take special attention to the health. No matter how much money he is paid, he will turn down the invitation that hurts his body.


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