故事前言 The Introduction of Stories

admin2021-02-14449Introduction of Stor兴奋吸引力惊喜故事前言故事结局简介魅力读书的好处阅读方法

今天高中生英语作文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:故事前言 The Introduction of Stories ,其中部分英语作文万能用语对您写作英文作文应该有帮助。

Before we read the books, the introduction will be showed ahead of the stories’ beginning. At first, I get used to the introduction and have the main idea of the stories. But later, as I read more books, I find the introduction is not a good way to help readers to appreciate the charm of the stories. Usually, the readers will get the main idea before they read the stories, because some introduction is very specific, even the ending of the story is being told, so readers will not feel excited and surprised in the process of reading. While if they haven't read the introduction, then every detail of the story will attract them, because they have no idea what will happen in the next chapter. So I advise not to read the introduction, and the unknown plot is full of attraction. 


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