保护野生动物 Protecting the Wild Animals

admin2021-02-14198Protecting the Wild保护环境保护野生动物出生率大自然家园数据熊猫纪录片食物人与自然最可爱的生物

今天高中生英语作文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:保护野生动物 Protecting the Wild Animals,其中部分英语作文万能用语对您写作英文作文应该有帮助。

Last week, I saw a very impressive documentary about panda. A professor studied panda in the early 1980s went to the wild life and kept trace of wild giant panda for many years. As a result, he found that it was human being that made these lovely animals die out. At that time, many people believed that giant panda became less because of the low rate of newborn babies. But it was not true. People cut trees for making profit at that time. Panda lose homeland and they lacked of food. Thanks to these valuable data, the government took the policy to protect the animals. So today, the number of giant panda is increasing. People realize the importance of protecting the environment and it is the best way to protect wild animals, they are the indispensable part of the nature. 


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