饮食与健康 Diet and Health

admin2021-02-14483diethealthrabbish foodvitamins健康垃圾食品营养饮食健康饮食良好的饮食饮食与健康

今天高中生英语作文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:饮食与健康 Diet and Health ,其中部分英语作文万能用语对您写作英文作文应该有帮助。

Last night, I ate a lot of food, such as KTC and ice cream, before I slept, I ate some cold food in the fridge. At midnight, I felt my stomach hurt badly, my family was woke up, they sent me to the hospital. After seeing the doctor, he told me that I had eaten too much food, what’s more, the food was not healthy, so it hurt my stomach. Since then, I realized that I should not eat the rubbish food often, I should keep the healthy diet. Now my diet is regular, I won’t take in much food before sleeping, my body is becoming healthy. In the morning, I eat an egg and make sure I take in enough vitamins. Even when I see the rubbish food is tempting, I take no hesitation to say no to them. I am so proud of myself.


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