国家宝物 The National Treasure

admin2021-02-14300ambassadorNational Treasure一家人国宝外交大使旅游景点保护野生动物熊猫

今天高中生英语作文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:国家宝物 The National Treasure,其中部分英语作文万能用语对您写作英文作文应该有帮助。

Panda is favored by people from all around the world and it is unique in China. These lovely animals are famous for the round shape and black eyes, who live in the southwest part of China. As its peculiarity, it has long been treated as national treasure. The government often sends pandas to other countries as the gift to show friendliness. Panda has been the important ambassador in dealing with the foreign affairs. Panda is very lazy. They sleep for a very long time and they barely move. People love them and they play the joke that you have the panda eyes, which means you don’t get enough sleep. A lot of people come to the tourist sites to witness this national treasure. There are special nurses trained to look after pandas. They like the families as they get along with each other for a long time. 


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