清明节 Tomb-sweeping Day

admin2021-02-14345Tomb-sweeping Day传统节日家族归属感扫墓清明节祖先铭记历史文化历史清明节的意义

今天高中生英语作文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:清明节 Tomb-sweeping Day,其中部分英语作文万能用语对您写作英文作文应该有帮助。

April 5th is the Tomb-sweeping Day in China this year, which is one of the most important traditional festivals. The young people will come back home and sweep tomb with their parents. The meaning of Tomb-sweeping Day is to honor the ancestors and it has more than 2500 years’ history. Chinese people pay special attention to remember their ancestors. So no matter how far they are, they always know where they are from. When they are old, they will return to the place where they are from. It is a good tradition. The sense of belonging makes people feel safe. What’s more, the communication among relatives makes the whole families become stronger. Because people are united by the same ancestors, so they treat each other as families and give support all the time. What a great tradition it is.


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