信用的重要性 The Importance of Credit

admin2021-02-14214The Importance of Cr互联网交朋友信用的重要性合同成功教训标准监督诚信honest成功的三要素

今天高中生英语作文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:信用的重要性 The Importance of Credit,其中部分英语作文万能用语对您写作英文作文应该有帮助。

Nowadays, with the development of Internet, more and more business are done through the Internet. The most important factor that decides a person's success is the credit. There is a famous example explains how credit influences one's life. A man took a train in Europe, as there was no one to supervise him, so he thought he could not buy the ticket and ran to the train directly. Later, when the man wanted to interview a job, the employers refused him because they told the man that his credit did not reach their standard. The man realized that he had lost his credit for not buying the ticket for one time, which taught him a lesson to keep his credit. The credit helps us to make friends and cooperate with others well. Don't lose your credit, or you will lose many chances.


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