外国人对中国的刻板印象 Foreigners' Stereotype of China

admin2021-02-14553Foreigners' Stereoty亚洲面孔功夫国与国的交流外国人对中国的刻板印象大熊猫好莱坞电影文化误解狗肉猫肉美味食物中国印象中西文化差异

今天高中生英语作文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:外国人对中国的刻板印象 Foreigners' Stereotype of China,其中部分英语作文万能用语对您写作英文作文应该有帮助。

For foreigners, when it comes to China, they will think about kongfu, giant panda and delicious food. If they ask you whether you eat cats and dogs, you will feel very curious about the question. Actually, most foreigners have the stereotype of China and the people there. When we watch Hollywood movies, we barely see Asian faces, or there exist, the images in the screen always show negative information. Most movies like to create the stereotype, for example, if there is a Chinese student, he or she must be good at math and doesn't like to talk to others. Most foreign people know nothing about China, because they don't have the chance to come to this country and believe in what the media present to them. So the misunderstanding of culture happens and becomes deeper. The way to solve this problem is to enhance communication between countries.


以上关于外国人对中国的刻板印象的英语作文Foreigners' Stereotype of China英语范文由英语作文网收集自网络,相信一定能够帮助您写作外国人对中国的刻板印象 Foreigners' Stereotype of China。


