网络游戏课程 The Class of Online Games

admin2021-02-14514The Class of Online专业大学专业新事物新趋势游戏玩家电脑游戏等级游戏组队网络游戏课程赛事赞助商网吧网瘾网络游戏之我见

今天高中生英语作文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:网络游戏课程 The Class of Online Games,其中部分英语作文万能用语对您写作英文作文应该有帮助。

A lot of young people like to play computer games. The online game market is so booming that many advanced games have been developed to meet the needs of the people who is good at challenging the grade. During recent years, the industry of online games competition attracts the young generation to work on. Many young people take it as career and they earn a lot of money. So some schools has open the major to teach students how to play online games. Surely it arises discussion. Some people believe that the career of playing online games is ridiculous and only the bad kids will do it. Other people argue that the industry of online game is the future, which is not just to play games, there are so many factors need to be involved in, such as how to find your group and sponsors. What's more, the competition always promotes other industries. I think it is the trend to accept new things.


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