消失的动物 The Fading Animals

admin2021-02-14393The Fading Animals代价国宝大自然消失的动物熊猫harmonious保护动物环境保护

今天高中生英语作文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:消失的动物 The Fading Animals,其中部分英语作文万能用语对您写作英文作文应该有帮助。

No one can deny the fact that today the environment is polluted seriously. Though the government has taken some policies to protect the environment, still some businessmen chase the profit by taking the cost of damaging the nature. Many animals are dying out as they lose their homes. Such as the national treasure, panda. The government has put a lot of money to protect them from dying out, and the new born panda babies will be looked after by experts and then release to the nature, in the hope that they won’t disappear in the nature. But the result is not always good, because when they return to the nature, the environment can’t provide enough things for them to live. If the nature loses its balance and there is no way for human beings living with nature harmoniously, then we also will disappear some day. 


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