请慢点 Please Slow Down

admin2021-02-14247entertainmentslow down享受生活态度急功近利欣赏风景快餐生活态度生活方式

今天高中生英语作文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:请慢点 Please Slow Down,其中部分英语作文万能用语对您写作英文作文应该有帮助。

With the fast development of society, we are in a new society which is called “Quick Fix Society”. People are now becoming more and more impatient. We are always in a hurry.


This general impatience, the hurry attitude, has infected every level of our lives. Today people usually travel by the fast tool, eat fast food, take fast pictures, enjoy fast entertainment, read fast news. The whole society has become a quick fax society. Therefore people don’t have time to enjoy many beautiful things around them.


We need to think more seriously about putting brakes on this impatient lifestyle. We should slow down so that we have time to enjoy music, to read, to enjoy beautiful scenery, to rediscover life.



以上关于请慢点的英语作文Please Slow Down英语范文由英语作文网收集自网络,相信一定能够帮助您写作请慢点 Please Slow Down。


