关于盗版软件 Pirated Software

admin2021-02-15223computerharmlawpirated softwareprofitpunish利润危害惩罚法律电脑盗版软件influencemeasurepirated影响措施盗版

今天大学生英语作文范文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:关于盗版软件 Pirated Software,希望对大家写作英语作文有帮助。




These days, many people have computers,and with a computer they can enjoy various programs such as a film in CD or a music. As some software programs have begun to enter a big market, some people tried to make pirated software for profits. The pirated software has affected the market already.


The reasons why pirated software has run wild are as follows. First, there is a huge profit behind it. Each pirated disc will produce 50% of the profit. Second, there is no very strict law to control the pirated software. That last reason is that education or publicity has fallen behind. People are not aware of the harm which pirated software would bring to the market and they like to buy it.


In my opinion, our government should take strong action. To begin with, a law has to be worked out, and those who produce and sell pirated software have to be severely punished. In this way, it will be brought under control.


以上关于关于盗版软件的英语作文Pirated Software英语范文由小编收集自网络,不知道有没有帮助到您写作关于盗版软件 Pirated Software。


