论暴力电影 On Violent Movies

admin2021-02-15276copydangerexcitementfunhurtinfluencelifemental healthscaryviolent movie乐趣伤害刺激危险影响恐怖暴力电影模仿生活mentale health

今天大学生英语作文范文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是: 论暴力电影 On Violent Movies,希望对大家写作英语作文有帮助。

As more and more movies go into our life, people worry that movies especially the violent movies will have a bad impact on people. Some think that audience can learn some bad ways of beat or kill others. But others believe that we can have a good time enjoying the fun of the violent movies. In my opinion, I don’t think that violent movies have positive effect on us. Reasons are as follows.


To begin with, violent movies have lots of cruel scene which will leave people horrible impressions which will affect their mental health. It is known that horrible movies usually use very bloodcurdling ways to create frightening atmosphere to shock the audience. What’s worse, some people who watch the movie may have a problem in sleeping which is a bad thing for people’s health.


Second, some people even learn the way of the characters do in the movie to hurt others. Under the influence of excitement, some people would even like to imitate the dangerous actions in the movie and try to apply what they learned on other people. What’s more, we should considering for the good of our children who have great abilities in imitating others and who may imitate some bad acts in the violent movies, we should limit violent movies go into their life. 


All in all, watch the violent movies not only have bad effects on people’s mental health, but can also cause more hurts in our life. So, violent movies should be limited to go into our life.


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