中国手机畅销国外 Chinese Smart Phones Are Popular In Foreign Countries

admin2021-02-15537Chinese Smart PhoneOPPO手机中国手机畅销国外交流工具华为手机技术智能手机自豪苹果手机手机的利弊是否应该购买苹果手机

今天大学生英语作文范文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:中国手机畅销国外 Chinese Smart Phones Are Popular In Foreign Countries,希望对大家写作英语作文有帮助。

Smart phone has been the indispensable equipment of our life. We can use smart phone to keep in touch with our friends and families, even a lot of businessmen use it to make big deals. As the great demand of this technology, more brands have been presented to the consumers. To everyone’ surprise, Chinese brands have been favored by foreign customers.


There is no doubt that Apple is very favored by Chinese teenagers. Everytime when the new style is put forward, so many young people are crazy about Apple products. They feel proud to own an Iphone. But as the development of homemade brands, Oppo and Huawei have been occupied the cell phone market. In some coutries, we can see Oppo and Huawei ads everywhere. 


The foreign customers speak highly of homemade smart phone. They are willing to buy an Oppo instead of Iphone, because Oppo is much cheaper while its function works well. When we are crazy about foreign products, our homemade products have been sold well in foreign market. Once many foreign media criticized China for copying the technology, but now we have the confidence to fight back.


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