学校应开设性教育课程 Sex Education Is Essential in School

admin2021-02-15342necessaryyouth后悔性知识早熟正确看待性教育犯错疾病青少年健康成长grow healthilyschoolsex education健康成长学校性教育

今天大学生英语作文范文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:学校应开设性教育课程 Sex Education Is Essential in School,希望对大家写作英语作文有帮助。

Nowadays many teenagers are early-maturing. They face the surroundings that they haven’t seen before. And they are curious about all the new things, especially some forbidden zones, like sex. So in order to make teens grow healthily, it is necessary to have sex education in schools.


Having sex knowledge is good for teenagers. Our country has issued the regulation that undergraduates can get married. So some students in universities get involved in cohabitation. Knowing little about that issue, teens may do some regretful things. For example, I saw a piece of news from the China Daily, about two teenagers. They loved each other very much. However, one day the girl found herself pregnant. Being students, they had no courage to tell their parents, so the girl had an abortion in an illegal clinic. Unfortunately, the girl died of excessive loss of blood. It’s a painful lesson. Besides, having a good grasp of this knowledge helps teens avoid diseases, like too much unprotected sexual intercourse may cause Aids. The most important thing is that if students don’t receive proper sex education, they will get it in other ways, such as porn films, porn websites and so on. Some information is harmful to students.

了解性知识对青少年是有好处的。我们国家已经颁布法规说大学生是可以结婚的。 所以一些大学生在大学期间同居。对这个这个问题了解不深,青少年可能会做一些让他们后悔的事。例如,我从中国日报上看到了一则关于两个青少年的故事。他们彼此深爱着对方。然而,有一天,女孩发现自己怀孕了。因为是学生,他们没有勇气告诉父母,所以女孩在一家非法诊所做了流产手术。不幸的是,这个女孩死于失血过多。这是一个惨痛的教训。此外,了解这方面的知识可以帮助青少年避免一些疾病,像过多不采取安全措施的性交会导致艾滋病。最重要的是,如果学生没有得到正确的性教育,他们会通过其他途径来了解,如色情影片,色情网站等等。有些信息对学生是有害的。

Sex education is necessary for the youth. And it is an urgent matter needs to be solved right away to make sure they grow healthily. 


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