爱植物胜过宠物 Plaints Over Pets


今天大学生英语作文范文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:爱植物胜过宠物 Plaints Over Pets,希望对大家写作英语作文有帮助。

As a person holds various kinds of interest in life, i have both grown plants and kept pets for quite some time. But not until recently have i realized that the former is easier and less energy-consuming. With the same function of adding joy to life, plants can live their own, be more money -saving. As far as I’m concerned, plants make better enjoyment than pets.


Firstly, plants are less energy-consuming than pets, which need to be fed several times a day, and some of which need to be walked early in the morning. But for plants, regular watering and fertilizing will do, provided they are placed in appropriate places with proper sunshine. However, pets need constant care and training so as to form good habits, or they may go wild. As to plants, no such worries are involved.


Secondly, plants consume less money than pets. You have to spend a considerable amount of money buying pet food, toys and other accessories. Some people even compare that sum of money to the expenses of raising a child. When pets fall ill, they need to be sent to the special hospital for pets, which are also quite expensive. In this sense, plants are very economical to grow in terms of the same purpose of producing joy and beauty to people’s daily life.


All in all, plants make better enjoyment than pets, since they are easier to handle, less expensive and troublesome. Take the above reasons into account, the next time you think of raising something for fun, plants should be a better choice, unless you have too much free time to kill.


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