我们应当给帮带孩子的父母工资吗?Should we pay our parents for their babysitting?

admin2021-02-15486babysittingobligationvolunteer免费关爱回报工资带小孩晚年父母经济负担责任金钱burdonliving condition晚年生活生活条件负担

今天大学生英语作文范文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:我们应当给帮带孩子的父母工资吗?Should we pay our parents for their babysitting?,希望对大家写作英语作文有帮助。

It seems so normal that parents will take care of their children’s children in China. We can see a large crowd of grandparents standing in front of kindergarten to pick up their grandchildren. It seems that taking care of grandchildren has become grandparents’ obligation. They should do it for free. However, now this concept has changed, some people said that parents should get the payment for their babysitting, because they are old and babysitting is a heavy work; while others think that parents should do it for free. In my point of view, I agree with the former one.


In the first place, parents’ duty and obligation is to raising their children until they have reached an adult age, but not still raising their children’s children. There is no doubt that raising a kid to adult is a difficult thing. It requires a lot of love and money. In China, most parents give the child university tuition and living expenses. They want their kid could focus on learning. Some parents even spend money for their child to find a good job which is secure. Our parents had already done so many things for us without any return. It would be a shame to ask parents to look after our children for free in their age.


In the second place, someone argue that the days are tougher than before, we should not give extra pressure to young couples. It is true that the competition is fierce than before, but think about it, parents must had been through a more difficult period to raising a child in the old age, for every conditions of life are in a low level. They give their best for their children, and when they are old, they still do the same thing for their grandchild. I think it is reasonable to pay them back.


To sum up, parents deserve better in later life, even most parents are volunteer to do babysitting, young people should show some responds, they could pay them back with money, if it will increase the economic burden, then they could share the babysitting with them and love them more.


以上关于我们应当给帮带孩子的父母工资吗?Should的英语作文we pay our parents for their babysitting?英语范文由小编收集自网络,不知道有没有帮助到您写作我们应当给帮带孩子的父母工资吗?Should we pay our parents for their babysitting?。


