我对运动员使用兴奋剂的看法 My View on Athelets' Taking Stimulants

admin2021-02-15403energyLondonOlympic GamesOlympic Spiritresultsstimulants上瘾伦敦奥运会意义比赛结果精神能量运动员作用健康兴奋剂危害奥运精神

今天大学生英语作文范文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:我对运动员使用兴奋剂的看法 My View on Athelets' Taking Stimulants,希望对大家写作英语作文有帮助。

With the upcoming of the London Olympic Games, the anti-doping is being hotlydiscussed again. It's said that the analeptic inspection of London Olympic Games is the most stringent ever.  Some athletes resort to stimulants to boost their competition results, because a good competition result means a lot to an athlete, glory, repuation and money. But almost all people think that the stimulants should be banned in any kind of sports games. I strongly support it.


First of all, using the stimulants will destroy the athlete both in physical and in mental. Taking stimulants can release the energy within a short period of time, using up athletes' energy and making them totally excited, even crazy. After the games, they have to rest for several days to recover.  Furthermore, the athletes may become addicted to the stimulants. It's kind of drugs that hardly to get rid of.


Secondly, taking stimulants violates the spirit of the Olympic Games. If every athletes take stimulants to get better competition results, there's no point in holding any kind of sports games, because it would be the competition of stimulants rather than the competitive level of athletes.


In short, the athletes should stay away from stimulants and rely on their hardwork to win the gold medalin the sports games.


以上关于我对运动员使用兴奋剂的看法的英语作文My View on Athelets' Taking Stimulants英语范文由小编收集自网络,不知道有没有帮助到您写作我对运动员使用兴奋剂的看法 My View on Athelets' Taking Stimulants。


