文物保护 The Preservation of Cultural Relics

admin2021-02-15205importantprotect cultural relpurposevisit传播传统文化保护意识参观建筑目的重要性measuremoneyThe Preservation of措施文物保护金钱

今天大学生英语作文范文大全要给大家带来的英语范文是:文物保护 The Preservation of Cultural Relics,希望对大家写作英语作文有帮助。

In recent years, our nation has raised a tide of preservation of cultural relics.However, in my opinion, some measures being made to preserve the cultural relics are not economical and cannot reach the purpose of preservation of cultural relics.


For example, towards some old houses, one of the common measures is to renovate them with new materials and make them look bright and luxurious. After that, the house owners are not allowed to live in these houses and they cannot sell them as well. The only purpose of these “new” houses is to be visited and be decorated. This kind of measure is not economical and unreasonable. For one thing, the house owners need to spend a lot of money to preserve the houses; for another, our traditional cultures featured at these houses cannot be spread effectively to others and the next generations. Thus, the measure made to preserve the cultural relics needed to improve.


Another example, concerning some famous buildings, our government spends a lot of money to renovate and preserve them and charges for the entrance fee. This kind of action to a large extent keeps people from visiting these famous buildings; doubtless, the spread of our traditional cultures is also limited.


Therefore, in order to spread our traditional cultures and preserve the cultural relics, our government needs to mend their measures. At the same time, people should enhance their awareness of protection of cultural relics and mend their manners.  


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